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Monday, March 1, 2010

Flying By....

I have reminded lately how fast life is passing me by and if I'm using that time wisely for the only thing that matters - or wasting the precious gift God has given me for serving him- Time.

We had DNow at our home this weekend, and although I'm exhausted from having 12 9th grade girls in our home, it was rewarding and fulfilling to open our home and serve them. The Lord is really walking me through "cultivating the oil" - a truth He revealed to me through Dara Aldy, the speaker for the ARISE ladies retreat. Which simply means making sure you are yielding to the Holy Spirit and spending time with Jesus - cultivating that relationship over trying to do something good or busy for God, without his presence being all over it. So, as I've been remembering this truth, I was able to walk in it this weekend. I usually turn into a Martha and freak out and stress out trying to get everything done perfectly. But, this weekend I decided I was going to chill out, spend time with Jesus and serve Him through making these girls lasagna and cookies, rather than just make them. This truth is freeing and beautiful. Dara reminded us that 2 other times in scripture we see Martha serving and Jesus doesn't reprimand her, but just in that one occasion she wasn't serving with her oil! And as my testimony from this weekend, everything got done, everyone got fed, and I was able to worship the Lord through every part of it!

As time is flying by and Kyle Reno( reminded us of this a few weeks in The Movement, our college/singles service about Psalms 39: 4-6-

“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is.
You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
at best, each of us is but a breath.”
We are merely moving shadows,
and all our busy rushing ends in nothing."

Amen! Life is flying by... am I cultivating my oil instead of just having the ministries I'm involved in "look good" or get checked off my list off my list for that week?

And in a totally different way, I'm seeing this in my friends life! Through marrying Seth I have made so many new friends and am thankful for each of them. We had the opportunity to meet JJ Yount's fiance yesterday, which just about completes his friend group being married! In case your wondering, she is beautiful, precious and fun! Perfect for JJ and I can't wait to spend more time with them! Be praying for them and her over the next few months, Jesse is a serving in South Africa and leaves Tuesday to finish up her last 6 months. And our good friends Jill and Marshall are pregnant! Please keep them in your prayers too! So, as I'm seeing all our friends getting married and now having babies, I'm just tyring to take a step back, Thank the Lord for where He has brought up and to keep us in His presence and guide us so we don't waste any time...

1 comment:

  1. So teach us to number our days
    that we may get a heart of wisdom. Ps. 90:12
    Good stuff! So glad you decided to give in and start writing Amanda!
